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“Insight on Clery Data

The statistics captured by the Clery Act are necessary and useful as they provide a snapshot of what is occuring within the properties that an institution owns/controls, which are the locations where an institution has the most authority to conduct responsible and effective prevention and response efforts. Some reports are not included in the Annual Security Report (ASR) if the incident doesn’t fall within Clery’s statistical reporting requirements. Regardless of the designation as a Clery reportable incident or not, the institution has the responsiblity to handle all reports that are communicated to designated individuals at the institution. Crime statistics shared within the ASR reflect the number of Clery defined crimes reported to have occurred within Clery defined geographic categories of an institution. Often these statistics can be misinterpreted or misunderstood by the media & those not affiliated within higher education.

To offer some clarity, below is an overview of what the statistics compiled for the ASR and shared with the Department of Education numbers DO and DO NOT include.

Clery Statistics/Numbers DO
– Represent the number of reports made to individuals designated as “”Campus Security Authorities””. These individuals include but are not limited to, campus police, coaches, a student org/club advisor, and Student Affairs staff.
– Include incidents documented by Residential Education staff of students violating campus policies that are also violations of laws under Clery.
– Include all reports to campus security authorities of Clery crimes that occurred within Clery geography, regardless of whether the individual who made the report was a member of the campus community.
– Include all reports to campus security authorities of Clery crimes that occurred within Clery geography, regardless of whether the person who made the report chose to move forward with a criminal process and/or a campus disciplinary process.

Clery Statistics/Numbers DON’T
– Always represent incidents shared with confidential resources on campus such as a counseling center. Pastoral and professional counselors are exempt from Clery reporting, although many institutions have procedures encouraging pastoral and professional counselors, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform the persons they are counseling of any procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis.
– Include incidents that were not reported to the institution.
– Reflect incidents reported that occurred in areas that are not Clery geography (such as at an off-campus party at a location not owned or controlled by the institution, an incident that occurs at a local bar or club, or an incident that occurs in the hometown of a student).”

For any questions or concerns, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Chelsea Jacoby, directly at or (609) 771-3112.


The Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct
Brower Student Center, Room 202
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

Office Staff