You Are Not Alone
Everyone’s experience with sexual violence is unique. Tuning into what you want or need may help determine which action steps, if any, you choose to pursue.
It is important to note that below are recommended guidelines and useful resources to know following a sexual assault or harassment and are not meant to be directive. If you wish to learn more about your options, have any questions, or wish to have someone support/assist you through any actions you wish to take following sexual violence or harassment, you can reach out to the Office of Title IX & Sexual Violence or any of the confidential resources listed on our Resources Page.
If you’ve experienced any type of sexual assault
- If you are in an immediate crisis call 9-1-1 or Campus Police 609-771-2345
- Get to a safe place.
- Call a friend, a family member, or someone you can trust and ask them to stay with you.
- Even if you think that you do not have any physical injuries, it is highly recommended that you have a medical examination and discuss the possibility of sexually transmitted infections with a medical provider.
Medical Assistance
- Even if you have no apparent injuries after the assault, it is still recommended that your seek medical care. You may come to Student Health Services or you may go to any hospital you choose. Students have a couple of different confidential options when looking to obtain medical treatment. Going to the hospital does not mean that you have to make a report to the police. That is your option. There is also no cost for a forensic examination and no bill should be generated. Please visit our pages below for further information about receiving medical attention and guidelines on preserving evidence.
Medical Assistance Preserving Evidence
Filing A Report
- You have multiple options when filing a report. If you wish, you can file a report through TCNJ or with the police or both. To learn more visit the following link. If you prefer not to talk to either resource, you can reach out to an off campus resource as well. To learn more, visit our Reporting Options page below.
Support (On & Off-Campus)
There are many resources available to you as a TCNJ community member, including students and faculty/staff, both on and off-campus. A list of private, and confidential resources can be found through the link below. As a reminder, confidential resources are not obligated to report information that is given to them allowing you or the person you know to evaluate their options in a non-pressure environment.
Supportive Measures
Even if you do not wish to pursue a college or criminal investigation or file/sign a Formal Complaint, the College can still provide you with accommodations so that you can be in a safe and comfortable environment. To learn more, click the button below.
Suicide Prevention
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Suicide Prevention Guide