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Role of Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct

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“Role of Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct

– We receive & manage reports of sexual violence from campus community – particularly Responsible Employees
– We track yearly data on incidence rates & trends in reporting & behaviors

Prompt Response:
– We conduct outreach to impacted party & offer opportunity to meet to review their rights, resources, & options for investigations (College & criminal). If a processes is used, will also meet with the Respondent as well.

Supportive Measures & Resources:
– Supportive measures are designed to help parties who may need support from the College
– Supportive measures can be assigned with or without moving forward with a process
– We can provide referrals to on & off-campus resources

Resolution Processes:
– We conduct or oversee all formal grievance and alternative resolution processes and ensure they are equitable, fair, and prompt
– We ensure involved parties are aware of their rights and are supported throughout the College resolution processes

Training & Education:
– We provide prevention programming for all incoming freshman, graduate students & transfers, as well as juniors
– We provide training for Responsible Employees & Officials with Authority
– We provide Investigator, Hearing Admin & Advisor Trainings
– We provide in-person trainings, workshops & programs upon request for campus community members”

For any questions or concerns, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Chelsea Jacoby, directly at or (609) 771-3112.


The Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct
Brower Student Center, Room 202
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

Office Staff