“What if I share my story about my experience with sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking with the following offices or people?
CAs, Griffins, Ambassadors, OLs – If you tell a student within their role as a student staff member, they must report it to Title IX either directly, or through their supervisor. The information shared with student staff memeber is not confidential, however it will remain private.
Faculty & Staff – By law, some TCNJ faculty & staff are mandated to report information to the Title IX office. Under TItle IX, these individuals are called Responsible Employees. To see a list of TCNJ’s Responsible Employees, visit: http://bit.ly/TCNJResponsibleEmployees
Anti-Violence Initiatives – Information you share with AVI will remain confidential, and AVI clinicians are NOT required to report to anyone (confidentiality may be limited in certain situations, such as those to which you may be deemed a threat to yourself or others). AVI can support you in a variety of ways. They can help you explore your options, offer free confidential support and 1:1 counseling, assist you in securing campus accommodations, and provide advocacy & accompaniment during the reporting or investigative process if you choose to report.
Mental Health & Student Health Services – Information you share with MHS or SHS will remain confidential. The clinicians are NOT required to report to anyone (confidentiality may be limited in certain situations, such as those to which you may be deemed a threat to yourself or others). SHS can conduct STI & pregnancy testing and can refer you to the local hospital for a SAFE kit (if the incident happened within the last 5 days), which is all free of charge. MHS offers 1:1 counseling services, and on-campus survivor support groups.
Campus Police – Once a police report has been filed, Campus Police will pursue an investigation based on the circumstances and extent to which you are interested in participating. Title IX & AVI are there if you would like support throughout the process or have questions.
Title IX – The Title IX Office protects people from discrimination based on sex in edication programs and activites that receive federal financial assistance. They provide resources & reporting options for students, faculty, and staff to address concerns related to sexual violence. You can choose whether or not you talk to College officials and whether or not you file an official complaint. When Title IX receives a report they will contact you to provide you with options for support and accommodations, as well as possibilities for holding the person who harmed you accountable. Title IX can assist you in receiving campus accommodations such as: Changing classes or moving residence halls, receiving academic flexibility, priority access to counseling, etc.”