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Alternative Resolution Process Flowchart

Alternative Resolution Process Flowchart

Alternative Resolution Process Flowchart

Both students must voluntarily agree to participate in this process for it to be utilized.

You can use the following text as a flow chart for the Alternative Resolution process. Each number corresponds to a step in the process.

1. If a Reporter expresses interest in exploring the Alternative Resolution process, the Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct staff will meet with the Reporter to construct an agreement designed to address/repair harm(s) & then sent to the Reporter for approval.
2. Upon approval of the agreement, the Reporter will sign a Formal Complaint to pursue the Alternative Resolution process.
3. Notice of Allegations & initiation of the process is sent to both parties.
4. The Respondent meets with the Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct staff to review their rights, resources, available resolution options, and the Alternative Resolution agreement/contract is presented.
5. Is the Respondent interested in participating? If no, the case reverts back to the Title IX Coordinator and other resolution options may be pursued and/or the case will be closed. If the Respondent is interested, continue to Step 6.
6. Both the Reporter and Respondent sign the resolution agreement.
7. The Respondent engages in the educational activites laid out in the resolution agreement.
8. Is the resolution agreement completed in full? If yes, continue to Step 9. If no, the case will be forwarded to a staff member in the Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct and the Respondent is charged with Failure to Comply with College Directive under the Sexual Harassment, Misconduct, & Discrimination Policy. Skip to Step 10.
9. A summative meeting takes place with the Respondent (required) and the Reporter (optional).
10. Resolution process is complete & case closed.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Chelsea Jacoby, directly at or (609) 771-3112.


The Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct
Brower Student Center, Room 202
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

Office Staff