“What to expect when reporting to the College
Report of Prohibited Conduct submitted –
A Title IX/Sexual Misconduct (Prohibited Conduct) report can be submitted either through our online reporting link, over the phone, or in person. Anyone is able to submit a report of Prohibited Conduct, they do not have to be a member of the campus community, nor do they have to be th eperson who may have experienced the harm. There’s no statute of limitati9ons as to when someone can file a report.
Initial Assessment –
Once a report of Prohibited Conduct is submitted, the College reviews the information to determine whether it may constitute as a possible violation of College Policy, and will respond to any immediate health or safety concerns raised by the report. If the information appears to rise to a Prohibited Conduct, the Title IX & Sexual Misconduct staff will conduct outreach to the party who may have experienced harm.
Initial Outreach –
A member of the Title IX & Sexual Misconduct staff will conduct outreach to the person who allegedly experienced the harm (referred to as ‘the Reporter’) via a private letter sent in an email through our system. The letter contains information about available resources, as well as an invitation to meet with a member of the Office.
Intake Meeting –
Meeting with a Title IX & Sexual Misconduct staff member is encouraged, but is completely voluntary. Party can also have an Advisor/support person attend the meeting with them. Purpose of the meeting = review the party’s rights, available resources, supportive measures, resolution options, & process for filing a Formal Complaint. If the party isn’t interested in meeting, the Office can close the case & reopen it at any time should the party change their mind.
Interim & Supportive Measures –
Interim & supportive measures are those designed to mitigate the effects of the alleged Prohibited Conduct & prevent its recurrence. Examples: Referrals to on/off-campus counseling services, requests for academic flexibility, housing accommodations, No Contact Directives, & more. These do not expire and can be implemented & adapted at any time, even if the party doesn’t want to initiate a resolution process.
Explore Resolution Options –
To hold a Respondent accountable for alleged Prohibited Conduct, the Reporter can pursue any of the following resolution resolution processes:
– A College Resolution Process*: Formal Grievance Process/ Alternative Resolution Process
– Criminal Process
– Both
– None of the above
Using/participating in a resolution process is not mandatory.
*only if the Respondent is associated with TCNJ when the incident occurred
The Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct will facilitate any/all resolution processes, However, the Office can implement any Interim/Supportive Measures as requested/appropriate regardless of the party’s interest in pursuing a resolution process.”